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지난 15년간 성원해주신 고객님들께 진심으로 감사드립니다. 앞으로도 고객 만족을 위해 최고의 품질과 서비스를 제공할 것을 약속드립니다.

-Specialized Auto Tint 대표 / 박재형

owner of Specialized Auto Tint

구글과 옐프 후기를 확인해보세요.

"2023년형 테슬라 모델 X를 최고의 틴트인 3M Crystalline으로 했습니다. 다른 틴트 가게들과 비교해보면, Specialized Auto Tint는 서비스 기술과 품질면에서 차원이 다릅니다. 훌륭한 작업을 해주셔서 감사합니다."
- 2023년 12월 20일 Yelp -

SUV & 트럭

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세단 & 스포츠

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sedan and sports car 0sedan and sports car 1sedan and sports car 2sedan and sports car 3sedan and sports car 4sedan and sports car 5sedan and sports car 6sedan and sports car 7sedan and sports car 8sedan and sports car 9sedan and sports car 10sedan and sports car 11sedan and sports car 12sedan and sports car 13sedan and sports car 14sedan and sports car 15sedan and sports car 16sedan and sports car 17sedan and sports car 18sedan and sports car 19sedan and sports car 20sedan and sports car 21sedan and sports car 22sedan and sports car 23sedan and sports car 24sedan and sports car 25sedan and sports car 26sedan and sports car 27sedan and sports car 28sedan and sports car 29sedan and sports car 30sedan and sports car 31sedan and sports car 32sedan and sports car 33sedan and sports car 34sedan and sports car 35sedan and sports car 36sedan and sports car 37sedan and sports car 38sedan and sports car 39
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